Who’s your daddy? Nosipho’s possible pregnancy sparks a debate with Uzalo viewers

Nosipho’s possible pregnancy sparked a serious debate with Uzalo viewers. Is it Mondli or Pastor Gwala? Just as Nkunzi thinks he is putting the fire out between Sambulo and Nosipho, a new bomb has dropped.
Last night Nosipho had a very difficult chat with Nkunzi after the confrontation they had at Ssmbulo’s house. Nkunzi summoned her to his office and asked her to choose between her work at the hub and staying with Sambulo.
Nosipho decided to stay with the Pastor.
The intensity of the argument between her and Nkunzi triggered a violent vomit session from Nosipho. This caused the viewers to flok the social media pages and a debate ensued about the possibility of Mondli being the daddy if Nosipho is pregnant.
Nosipho confessed that she slept with Mondli to Pastor Gwala last week.
If you can remember well, Mondli used a condom on that day, but Nosipho was trying to have a child and exploring IVF as an option.
That prompted her to take the condom and its contents to the fertility clinic and use it for her project.
She has been spending time with Pastor Gwala and no doubt they have had bedroom sessions together.

The viewers of the show have lost their minds over the possibility of her pregnancy. The truth is if Nosipho is pregnant, then it’s more possible that it is Mondli’s.
If the baby is Mondlis then Nkunzi will enjoy giving the I told you so speech to Sambulo, but if it is the Pastor’s child, then Nkunzi must prepare to deal with Nosipho for the rest of his life because he will be a grandfather to that child.
The viewers are preparing for heartbreak because Pastor Gwala would be broken if this child turns out to be Mondli’s.
Mondli still has some feelings for Nosipho, he went to declare those feelings to her last week after finding out about her and Pastor Gwala.
The question now is what will he say when he finds out that Nosipho tricked him and stole his condom? The issue of her stealing the condom would also not sit well with Pastor Gwala, either way, she is in trouble if she is pregnant because all of those secrets will be out.
This also begs the question, is everyone right about Nosipho being wrong for Pastor Gwala?
Watch the video of Nosipho throwing up and agitating the viewers below:
Source Link Who’s your daddy? Nosipho’s possible pregnancy sparks a debate with Uzalo viewers