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“This is the content we signed up for” Skeem Saam viewers excited over Lehasa and Pretty’s love back storyline



Lehasa recently learnt of Kwhezi’s heartless kidnapping of Pretty, where Pretty was coerced into lying about faking her pregnancy.

We have already discussed the events leading up to the meeting that resurrected Lehasa and Pretty’s feelings for each other, but let’s go back a little.

A boy of history

Lehasa met Pretty through The Executive, if you don’t remember who that is, well it’s Eunice. Maphosa was immediately taken and asked Eunice to bring her to a party he was hosting. The two ended up having an amazing week together in Joburg.

Pretty was still with Katlego at the time, so when news that she was with Lehasa reached him, he completely lost it and thought Lehasa kidnapped Pretty. Katlego recruited his boys Thabo and Zamokuhle to go look for his girl.

Wheat they found was not what they thought, but that didn’t stop them from beating Lehasa black and blue.

Pretty left with the boys and then a few months later found out she was pregnant. Lehasa was with Nothile by then so he denied the pregnancy and threw Pretty out when she and her family tried to report the pregnancy to him. This forced Pretty to abort the unborn child. Lehasa and Nothile fell apart a few weeks after that.

Lehasa and Pretty
Lehasa and Pretty. Image: Instagram/Skeem Saam

Enter Khwezikazi.

It didn’t take long for her to show just how off the hinges she is, and now we are here.

Let’s face it, viewers have never warmed up to Khwezi, she is not the girl they want for Lehasa.
Lehasa used to date the crazy Lelo before who is no different from Khwezi in terms of her crazy behaviour. Viewers feel that she doesn’t bring anything new to the storyline.

Beauty and the Beast

Pretty and Lehasa’s storyline is interesting because it is somewhat forbidden love.
Pretty’s family does not approve of Lehasa; there is a long history of altercations between the two parties.
MaNtuli hates Lehasa for firing her from Maphosa nuts. Also that the two come from very different backgrounds.

Pretty is a beautiful flower that is rough around the edges and Lehasa is a beast that needs some control, otherwise, he rates like a wild animal.

Viewers of the show feel like they are a perfect match

Source Link “This is the content we signed up for” Skeem Saam viewers excited over Lehasa and Pretty’s love back storyline

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