South Africa has become a lonely place for South Africans

Many South Africans are starting to leave on fears every day in their own country because of the violence, that has been going on in the country where foreigners have been taken over some major towns.
We’re they selling drugs to the youth of this country and they are also involved in human trafficking, which has caused many children in this country to despair without knowing where they are as they have been taken to hidden places.
It is very painful to see how South Africans are not having any control over their country anymore, because of the activities that are going on in different communities.
The streets of Hillbrow in Johannesburg might be the evidence of this crime because people are been killed, every day and this town has been owned by foreigners.
Prostitution is something that has affected most women around this town and every one has failed, to stop it because these people have gained more power by taking over the streets of this town.
Put South Africans first is an organization that is willing to fight for the rights of the people, of this country by making sure that they are safe every day and they also living on good facilities.
The organization is was formed by ordinary South Acricans who are having lot of ideas, on their minds to deal with the issues that have affected the people of this country.
It is a fact that Joburg is not a safe city anymore we’re any child in this country is looking to get a job on the this area where he will make a living.
Now it has become a dangerous city where people are starting to be afraid to visit and this has been a dream of politicians in this country to bring hope.