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Observe how money and fame have transformed ‘Mashenge’ Dawn King Thandeka from Diep City



Throwback Pictures: Observe how money and fame have transformed ‘Mashenge’ Dawn King Thandeka from Diep City

Lately, Dawn Thandeka King has been trending after adding a new exotic beast in her garage. Her new set of wheels was estimated to cost R1.4 million, and Mzansi was impressed with her boss’s moves, making fans think she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Well, the actress has from rags to riches story; she has worked hard to be famous and prosperous today.

Diep City actress recently shared a throwback picture of herself on her Instagram. Mzansi was divided by her picture as she looked so poor and skinny. Thandeka has made a massive transformation over the years, and she showed it off to her fans.

Dawn Thandeka King
Dawn Thandeka King: Image source @Instagram

Early life before acting

Thandeka grew up in  Eshowe in the province of KwaZulu Natal. Growing up, life was not easy for her, and she had to drop about school because of financial disputes. Following dropping out of school, she started looking for a job so she could help her family financially.

Fortunately, she got a job at a restaurant, and she worked as a cook and waitress before discovering her talent in acting. After working for several years, Thandeka later enrolled at the Durban University of Technology so she could study drama.

She graduated in 2015, marking the beginning of her career as an actress. After graduation, Thandeka bagged a gig on the now most-watched show Uzalo.

Throwback Pictures of ‘Mashenge’ Dawn King Thandeka from Diep City

Dawn Thandeka King
Dawn Thandeka King: Image source @Instagram

A career in the entertainment world

Thandeka is famous for her role as Lindiwe MaNgcobo in Uzalo. MaNgcobo was the wife of a bloody murderer and drug dealer, Nkuzi. She nailed her role to perfection resulting in her winning a Golden Award for being the best actress in 2017.

Thandeka played her role on Uzalo for six years and ditched the show for greener pastures. She is now portraying Mashenge in the crime drama series DiepCity. This time she is playing a different person from the villain we used to see on Uzalo. She is a no-nonsense mother of three, trying to raise her kids in a criminal environment.


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