Next on Skeem Saam: Friday 1 April 2022

Coming up on Friday’s episode of Skeem Saam
John is haunted by a hostile text message from an unknown phone number.
In the previous episode
Lehasa finds out that his decision to go back on his word of shutting down Rovuwa at the end of April will have legal and financial consequences. This is a significant setback for Lehasa, and his plans are going straight to the depths. Lehasa is shocked to find out that Khwezi was neglected and her mother left her to fend for herself a long time ago.
Octavia is the scan artist of the century. She stole Big Boy Mabitsela’s money when she lied about selling him a house. Octavia is working on a serious plan to take Meikie’s money. Meikie overheard her talking about Melita to Jonathan on the phone, and it wasn’t great.

Eunice has unrealistic plans for the salary she is receiving at the hospital. She wants to buy a house and a car. She manages to pay Elizabeth what she owes her, and Lizzy realizes that Eunice is dealing with a loan shark that works in the hospital.
MaNtuli continues to plan for Meikie’s downfall and makes sure she never even makes her appeal.
Coming up on the next episode
John is getting deeper into the dark hole. It gets severe when he receives strange and unwelcome messages from anonymous people. John realized that I’d not a joke was what was happening to him.
The famous Yellow File
Charles is still holding on to the famous Maputla yellow file. He is using all kinds of plans to keep holding on to it. At this rate, the Yellow File is turning into a national treasure, and I won’t be surprised if this file ends up on Berry FM.
Kgosi makes an unwelcome return to Cafe Rovuwa. Many people don’t want him there. The First one is Lehasa, who Kgosi betrayed during his time with Fanie and the Abalone guys. That situation ended with Fanie six feet under, Lehasa facing a murder charge and the possibility of Cafe Rovuwa shutting down.
Secondly, his colleagues hate him because they might lose their jobs due to his lies, and he made his problems theirs and then disappeared for months while they faced Lehasa on their own.
Catch Skeem Saam on SABC1 at 18h00
Source Link Next on Skeem Saam: Friday 1 April 2022