Nandi’s Umemulo is upon us and Khaya finds out who Frans really is

The Black Door is one of the most controversial dramas to hit South African screens, the other being The Wife. The reason is the type of content being handled by the etv Soapie. The story is very intense and of an adult nature, with many secrets that keep it interesting.
This week on this drama, stuff is about to hit the fan.
Khaya was hit by an unexpected situation when an older man that always comes to the Black door hit on him. The man is a respectable government official. His name is France. Khaya punched him, and France took all the promises he had offered Khaya off the table.
Khaya is dating Nandi, a beautiful young girl he works with at the factory, and he doesn’t know that France is Nandi’s father.
The secret is about to be revealed.
Nandi has been preparing for her coming of age ceremony, called Umemulo in IsiZulu. The ceremony is this week on Wednesday, and the teasers show that Khaya is shocked to learn that France, the man who goes to a strip club and hits on young boys, is his potential father-in-law.
France wants Khaya to break up with Nandi, and Nandi wants more from Khaya. Rebs made Khaya apologize to France, but when he finds out that the main attraction at the Black Door could be his son-in-law, he loses it.
Enhle’s fears are realized when she is exposed as impure when the girls are checked before the uMemulo ceremony.
Junior, Rebs’s Ben 10, has disappeared without a trace, and not even Kenny can pick up his scent.
Nka helped him when Rebs locked him in a room, planning to kill him and Junior told him about Rebs’ shady side.
Nka is now searching for something, and he will find it, and once he does, he will use it against Rebs, but Nka will find out that Rebs is the Bulldog she says she is.
Shotgun has given his heart to a golddigger, and she will take advantage of him. Nelly is known for taking advantage, and Romeo warns Shotgun to be careful and not give his money to Nelly, but love is blind, as they say.
Watch more on The Black Door every weeknight at 21h30 on Etv.
Watch below:
Source Link Nandi’s Umemulo is upon us and Khaya finds out who Frans really is