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Air fryer caramel blooming apples recipe



As it cooks, this apple opens up like a flower! One with a nutty, caramel centre, that is…

15m prep
25m cook
4 servings

5 Ingredients

* 4 (about 200g each) red apples

* 60g butter, melted

* 25g (1/4 cup) walnuts, finely chopped

* 4 Jersey Caramels, finely chopped

* Ice cream or double cream, to serve

4 Method / Steps

Step 1

Cut the tops from the apples, then use a melon baller to scoop out the core without going through the base. Use a small sharp knife to score 2 circles into the cut side of the apples, going as deep as you can without cutting all the way through.

Step 2

Make cuts down the side of the apples, keeping the base intact. Brush the cut sides of the apples with melted butter, allowing it to drizzle into the cuts. Air fry at 180C for 15 minutes.

Step 3

Use tongs to transfer apples to a plate. Divide walnuts and caramel pieces among apple cavities. Brush each with more butter.

Step 4

Cook apples for a further 10 minutes. Serve with ice cream or double cream.

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