Uzalo: Wednesday 26 January 2022

Sibonelo’s sadistic nature has gone up to new heights.
Sambulo got the beating of his life last night. He was attacked by unknown men led by none other than Sibonelo. Sibonelo hides Nomzamo’s body at the distillery, and Pastor Gwala is unresponsive to his threats. Sboniso decided to send a stronger message.
He didn’t even make an effort with the disguise. This makes it even scarier than he probably wanted Pastor Gwala to know it was him.
Babekazi has drawn a plan of Nkunzi s house as the execution of her plan to steal from Nkunzi comes closer.
Sambulo reveals his attacker as Sbonelo to Nkunzi, and Nkunzi is in shock. Nkunzi knows what Sbonelo is capable of, but I suppose he didn’t think that Sbonelo would do it to his brother.
Gabisile and Nkunzi are still going through tension built since the Ndoni situation. It looks like they are enduring each other, and Sbonelo is caught in the middle. Gabisile hadn’t given up on Nkunzi. Maybe Nkunzi will finally give in. He did try to court her once, so perhaps there is still a chance.

Let’s see what is coming up on tonight’s episode.
It looks like Gabisile will eventually get what she wants. She gets to spend the night in Nkunzi’s arms. This is a relief for her after all they have been through. At least her efforts have not all been for nothing. Nkunzi gave in. Let’s see how long this relationship lasts.
Pastor Gwala is still playing private eye, even after a severe beating yesterday. Uncovering Nomzamo’s disappearance has become his number one priority, primarily since Sbonelo is so invested in keeping him away from finding out. It’s been weeks now after Nomzamo disappeared and since Sambulo is also invested in the land that Bhebhe distillery is built on, he is determined to destroy it.
A mysterious investigator arrives at KwaMashu to look for Babekazi. Babekazid plans might be in trouble. This man goes straight to the police station to ask about her. All things could fall apart right here. The investigator looks severe and intimidating.
In the meantime, stay tuned to Uzalo on SABC1 at 20h30 every weeknight.
Source Link Uzalo: Wednesday 26 January 2022