Malema to fire all lazy EFF leaders

The leader of Economic Freedom Fighters Julius Sello Malema was on fire yesterday at his media conference where he made a lot of revelation, that has been hidden by the president of the country and Anc Cyril Ramaphosa.
Make a didn’t leave the members of his party outside who not working or delivering to the party expectations, which has been the reason that may be the cause of losing on the Bia elections last month were Anc we’re dominant again.
Make a continued by saying that the EFF is not a Holiday In we’re people will just be lazy and enjoy the benefits that come out of the party, he said that he will release a list of those who have been incompetent and suspend from their position.
The party has been doing a good underground when it comes to mobilizing the people because all their rallies and protest have full of people, maybe Malema wants to level things by employeen more cadres that will go to the beaches and gain more support.
Because this is what the strength of the party were they worked together as a collective and fight for the right of the ,people of this country maybe this is what Malema is planningg to do in the coming days because they have been gaining a lot of support underground.
He has also received the minister of education that if she doesn’t close the schools within seven days, then he will close down by themselves because of the spreading of the third wave of Covid19 that has hit the country so bad.