FW De Klerk does not deserve the state funeral see what peopleare saying
They are a lot of reactions that are going on in the country where many people have been posting a lot of comments about the death of FW De Klerk on social media platforms, and it has been trending on Twitter since the afternoon were the president of the country was force to address the country immediately after the budget speech.
The wounds of many South Africans have not yet healed because they believe that the former president must not be given a state funeral.
After all, he was the president of the apartheid government that has destroyed the lives of many black people in this country where they have died in prison and some have been killed by the police.
Any highly rank person in this country deserves to be given a state funeral where the president decides on which category he will be given.
This means the president will be unfair if he doesn’t give him the state funeral because he is also contributed to the democracy of this country. After all, he is the one that released Mandela from prison.