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EFF Calls for Impeachment Against President Ramaphosa Over Phala Phala Saga



The political landscape in South Africa is witnessing significant developments as the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has taken a formal step towards initiating the impeachment process against President Cyril Ramaphosa.

This move is centered around the controversial Phala Phala saga, with the EFF presenting both digital and hard copy letters to the newly-elected Speaker of the National Assembly, Thoko Didiza.

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Moments before the nominations for president-elect were set to commence, EFF’s Floyd Shivambu informed Speaker Thoko Didiza that his party had submitted a letter requesting the invocation of impeachment proceedings against President Ramaphosa.

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The letter referenced Rule 119 of the National Assembly rules, which allows a member to propose a subject for discussion or a draft resolution for approval as a resolution of the house, with or without a debate.

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The urgency of the EFF’s request is underscored by the report of an independent panel tabled on November 30, which found a prima facie case for impeachment against Ramaphosa.

Despite the National Assembly’s vote against establishing an impeachment committee on December 13, 2022, those opposing the committee cited Ramaphosa’s court challenge to set the panel’s report aside. However, the Constitutional Court dismissed his application in March 2023, and Ramaphosa has stated he will not pursue further legal challenges.

The EFF argues that the independent panel’s report is authoritative and any failure by Parliament to process it further would be an abrogation of its constitutional duties.

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The party emphasizes that there is no prohibition against reviving the impeachment process. Speaker Thoko Didiza responded that the matter requires deliberation by the seventh administration, promising a response once the letter has been considered.

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Full Story Source: EFF Calls for Impeachment Against President Ramaphosa Over Phala Phala Saga

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