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ANC gets a serious knock as Pule Mabe has been exposed



The step aside resolution is knocking for Pule Mabe after the SIU has found some information that is linking him to the corruption that has happened in the municipalities of Ekhuruleni, under the leadership of Mzwandile Madina where he is linked to the corruption of R27 million of a tender that was supplying motorbikes into this metro.

The issue was laid to rest during the beginning of the year so that the SIU can conclude with their investigation and Mabe now is in big trouble, which might see him walking out of his position, because of the resolutions that were taken in the African National Congress conference in Nasarec.

Ekhuruleni is one of the municipalities that is run by the Anc and with Masina as the mayor someone can say that Mabe got this tender because of the friendship, that he has with them because both were in the Anc youth league but these are just the rumors that will be dealt with.

The responsibility will be on the shoulders of Ramaphosa to see how he will be dealing with this issue that has been linked to his party spokesperson, which might also create a lot of factions in the NEC because it is obvious that Mabe has been Magashule favorite all this time.

This is not the first time that Mabe is in trouble because he was also accused of sexual harassment to one of his colleagues in Luthuli house, where it’s the workplace and the headquarters of the Anc and this has nearly damaged his reputation and this time his biggest nightmare might become real.

The situation in the Anc is on a very tense situation and now the party has just got the serious knock of their life by this scandals as they are approaching the local elections, and Ramaphosa will have to play it smart so that he can get more support in the party

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