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Why you keep falling in love with people who don’t love you back



The feeling of being in love with someone who doesn’t love you back is hurtful. And love is an essential feeling that blooms when two people equally respect, care and love each other.

One-sided love can’t power you for long because you need love from others to survive. But investing yourself in such love is stopping you from forming connections with others who really care about you.

Here are some reasons why you’re falling in love with people who don’t feel the same.

Comfort zone
You fear getting out of your comfort zone to find new people and make connections with them. You want to remain with the person you love because the feeling is familiar and comfortable. And this is stopping you from finding your true happiness.

Previous unhealthy relationships
It’s difficult to detach yourself from unhealthy relationships that were once an important part of your life. Your childhood relationships, especially the ones with your parents are an integral part of your life. If your parents didn’t validate your feelings enough, it can be a reason why you keep looking for love from those who don’t love you back.

You hate yourself
Those who engage in such an unhealthy pattern of relationships usually don’t love themselves. You might hate yourself and despise the very core of your existence. You look for love from others when you don’t love yourself. Certain behaviour of yours may also sabotage your chances of a happy future with someone.

Vulnerability about yourself
When you’re vulnerable about your feelings, you try opening yourself up too much or to the wrong person. You may constantly feel a need to express yourself, in a hurry. Eventually, you run out of patience to wait for the right person and that’s when things begin to go wrong.

The idea of falling in love
You may love the idea of falling for someone, but the thought of being in a relationship and working it out with your partner during difficult times scares you. You may love the chase but hate the commitment. You will have to realise and accept sometime later that to have someone love you back, you have to let yourself go of all the insecurities.

Source: Fakazanews

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Nadia Nakai0

It was reported last week that they had gone their separate ways, as Supa Mega shared a cryptic post about women and further unfollowed Nadia. Learn more

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