Following a tragic car accident, Limpopo police are investigating rapper Shebeshxt, who may face charges of culpable homicide. The accident resulted in the death of his daughter, Onthatile Chuene.
Shebeshxt, whose real name is Lehlogonolo Chauke, was hospitalized with serious injuries after his vehicle collided with a truck on the R37 road near Smelters Mine in Limpopo on 8 June.
The police are gathering statements from witnesses and family members, including Shebeshxt’s partner Kholofelo Chuene, who also sustained injuries in the crash.
Authorities are conducting standard procedures to determine the cause of the accident, including checking Shebeshxt’s blood alcohol levels.
Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), intervened to ensure Shebeshxt received adequate medical care at a private facility after initial delays at a public hospital.
Mpho Chauke, Shebeshxt’s mother, expressed deep gratitude towards Malema and others in the community for their support during this difficult time.
Full Story Source: Shebeshxt investigated for culpable homicide