Sekunjalo assists Independent Media with severance packages

The executive of Independent Media would like to publicly acknowledge and thank its chairman, Dr Iqbal Survé and its main shareholder, Sekunjalo Investment Holdings (SIH), for assisting the organisation to fulfil its commitments to its former staff, by advancing the funds to ensure that the negotiated severance packages can be paid out.
Dr Survé and Sekunjalo have been the targets of much negative reporting by the media over the recent retrenchments at the company, when in actual fact, it is they who have made it possible not only to make these settlements a reality, but they have contributed more than a billion rands in support – directly and indirectly – over the years. This has allowed Independent Media to continue as a publishing group and also prevented retrenchments from happening during the dark days of COVID-19 and the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 when other media houses across the country were retrenching media workers in droves and shutting down publications and businesses.
Aside from delivering on commitments to former staff, the funds that have now been provided to Independent Media, will also ensure that the new, leaner structure and operations can continue smoothly.
An Independent Media spokesperson said: “We trust that the rest of the media in South Africa, will now move on with their own business and report on the important news of the day that affects our economy and our country’s sustainability.
“We would also ask that the media refrain from indulging in future speculation. Independent Media is a streamlined business that operates transparently and in an engaged manner,” said the spokesperson.
Where it is able to, the company indicated that it would assist with answering intelligent questions. However, internal matters are just that – internal.
Full Story Source: Sekunjalo assists Independent Media with severance packages