Pictures of Tebello and Seipati behind the scenes in Scandal

The well-respected family of Mokgethi has shared their pictures behind the scenes of this drama where they have amazed many people about the way they were comfortable with each other which has got many people, and this mother and son were looking forward to taking part were the next drama.
The pictures have shown that these two have a special relationship besides the acting role that they are playing where Seipati is the mother to this wonderful boy, who has been taught well by her parents so that he can respect his elders and make sure that he speaks a good language with them.
Rebelo is a young man who was raised by her grandmother then the mother died because of a short illness then Lerumo adopted him as a son, was he also found love to the mother of this child because he was doing all of this for Tebello who has been a good son that listens to his parents.
This has inspired many people across the country where they had to see the words of a young man who speaks a clear language like he is the old man, and many people are in love with this young man who is speaking a good Sesotho language and trust a prayer a lot as a way to solve his problem.
Will this teach many people about how children must be raised at home. A lot is happening in the townships of this country where children don’t respect their parents, and lead them to not prosper in life because it destroys every blessing that they had.
But still of these children had a difficult life where they growing up in a family that lives to fight every day and this has caused the mentality of children a lot, because he is always thinking about these things and fight with other children.