Chief Azwindini has left many people in tears after his romantic birthday party went horribly wrong on Tuesday night when Boipelo made him feel like a young man, which has ended up causing havoc for his health because things will be changing for him well this time because of this sickness.
Papa Azwindini as his young woman call him he was hit by a stroke after having delicious sex with the young Boipelo and now the chieftaincy of Thathe is at a huge risk because of this crisis, and the chief will have to be taken care of so that he can go through a healing process.
The situation looks more spiritual than yountgnk of because the ancestors of Thathe might be angry with Azwindini because of his recent activities, we’re Susan divorced him and then he was gone out to go to Joburg and enjoy his life to the fullest and that’s where things have gone wrong.
Will Azwidini be healed in time so that he can take care of his people of Thathe in time because he is the only hope that he can lead this family and reunite them again. After all, Mulalo and his wife have messed things around in the royal house where the family is divided.
It looks like the throne has been cursed so badly because every person that seat on it is having a lot of problems that anyone cannot imagine, because they will have to fights that lead to the killings of other people or someone will be poisoned for no reason in the family.
Will Susan come to the rescue in time to help his husband because the situation has gone out of the hands and it needs to be fixed fast for the sake of the people Thathe, because they will need their chef early so that he can lead them again as he is well respected in the village.