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Moshe Ndiki: My journey to becoming a father of twins



Moshe Ndiki, a TV personality who is openly gay, has started a new and amazing chapter of his life as he becomes a father.

In an interview with Sunday World this week, Ndiki talked about his reality TV show Life with Moshe, and said that viewers will see a lot of love, especially from his family.

“This is something new for my family and many people, this surrogacy thing,” he said.

“It will be interesting to see how we deal with this with love, kindness and understanding, and the difficulties of it all, like finding the right surrogate.”

He said that he always wanted to have his own kids, and that he had a vision for his life since he was young – a career, partner, marriage, family and children. “I’ve always wanted to be a dad since high school. I even had the names of my kids since then. I never hid it.

“I also love being the favourite uncle, I love how kids think and reason, which I’ve seen with my nieces and godson.”

He first went to a fertility clinic that referred him to an agency, but he felt that it was taking too long.

He said: “I ended up getting someone very close to me. She offered [to help] after she heard me talking to the agency on the phone and asking about the progress.

“We talked about it [surrogacy] and I can say she was sent by God. I don’t think I would have chosen anyone else to be my surrogate mother.

“Our relationship and how our families get along is very beautiful.” Ndiki was surprised when he found out that he was going to be a father to twins. “I can’t explain it, it was a shock. “I had planned for one child and now God gave me two.”

He said that some of the challenges that he faced in his journey to fatherhood include worrying about what kind of parent he will be.

“The best part is just holding them in my arms and seeing them smile back at me. I feel like I don’t need anything else in the world except money, because they need to eat to smile.”

Ndiki, who is a public figure, thinks that he has done a good job in protecting the twins from the spotlight.

“People only know [what] I want them to know. I keep most of the things that hurt me to myself,” Ndiki said.

“I don’t think there is a way to really protect them from social media or the spotlight.”

Life with Moshe will start on January 28 at 7pm on Mzansi Magic.

Full Story Source: Moshe Ndiki: My journey to becoming a father of twins

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