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Lelethu and Pamela finally share a kiss while stark in an elevator on Generations The Legacy



Pamela is caught between a rock and a hard place. Recently, it seems, she has been sharing kisses with everyone she comes across. I mean, she shared a kiss and more with Luyolo a few nights ago, and now it’s Lelethu?

Let’s go through a bit of history, right!

Pamela Khoza was married to Siyanda and died after chasing a deadly story about body parts sold at the Black Market. He was thrown off a roof and fell a few stories to death.

Pamela has never recovered from that.

A few weeks ago, when Tracy tried to connect her to some guy, Pam lost it and told him she was married. Then we saw her apartment and were shocked to find her living conditions.

The place was filled with old articles Siyanda was involved in, and it looked like no one had cleaned there for months; when Tracy found this out, she launched an intervention, and Pam received the help she needed.

Since then, she and Lelethu have been playing a game 8f cat and mouse. Lelethu has been making a play for Pam since he met her, the two have chemistry that is off the charts, but Pamela has been playing hard to get.

We know that there is an attraction she feels for Lelethu; I mean, who wouldn’t?

It’s just that she has also formed a connection with the handsome Doctor.

Luyolo has been trying to call Pam since they shared a special night, and she has been avoiding him like the plague. Pam did the same thing to that poor guy she slapped at the bar and then went on to share a night with a few days later, but then threw out the following morning.

The kiss between her and Lelethu takes place in the elevator at work. The two get stark after a load-shedding episode, and sparks start to fly when Lelethu complains of the heat and takes off his shirt.

The question is, what is going to happen next? Since Pam gets bored so quickly and is now involved with two beautiful men?

The Good Doctor or The Journo?

Will she go with the calm and sophisticated Doctor who watches his health or the loud and crazy journalist with a killer smile?

Decisions, decisions!

Watch Lelethu and Pamela share a kiss below:


Source Link Lelethu and Pamela finally share a kiss while stark in an elevator on Generations The Legacy

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