Know the difference between broiling and boiling

Broiling is a cooking method where the food is exposed to direct radiant heat either by putting it below a gas burner/ electric coil or on a grill over live coals. It has been confused with roasting, baking, and boiling.
Boiling is when you heat a liquid and roasting involves turning the food from time to time so that it cooks properly. Temperatures are higher for broiling when compared with roasting.
Both of the processes are different from broiling. Baking and broiling involve cooking food under the dry heat of an oven, but baking is specifically meant for semi-solid or liquid foods which solidify on cooking. On the other hand, broiling cooks’ thin pieces/ parts of food more quickly.
Some foods which are suitable for the process of broiling are red meats, fowl, and fish. Steaks are usually broiled over coals, but they can also be broiled in an oven set on a wooden plank or skillets.
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