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How to answer trolls on social media



Typically, a “troll” is someone who intentionally harasses, harms, or cyberbullies others.

They might misinterpret your remarks, bombard you with harmful material, or even use terminology that is racial, homophobic, misogynistic, or otherwise hostile.

These trolls should be dealt with right away because all they want to do is make your life miserable.

So, when the clues suggest that a troll might be onto you, here are some ways to deal with the online trolls.

Be in charge! No trolls permitted

Set precise rules that include a “no trolling” policy if you’re in charge of a platform, whether it’s your social media profile, discussion forum, blog, channel etc. By following these guidelines, impartiality is established.
Therefore, if you get flagged for removing someone’s views or comments from your post, You can refer back to your policy and mention a violation as the reason for the removal.

Add plugin-based moderators

Extensions like Facebook’s plugin for comment moderation, automated moderating options for comments on YouTube, Twitter’s tool for reporting offensive tweets, Instagram’s option for reporting rules infractions and tools for comment moderation on WordPress are easily available as well as free. Filtering content and comments using these can get rid of the troll problem.

Disarm them with humor

They only bother you till you show them you are being bothered and the minute they feel their trolling is becoming humourous, they will stop. A troll’s purpose is to irritate, degrade and distract you, not entertain you.
As humour is a troll’s Kryptonite, make sure they notice your disregard for their mean comments and see you laughing it off.

Counter them with facts

Trolls are not interested in sensible, polite discussion. They aren’t good debaters, and their arguments aren’t really reasonable.

So, if somebody is trolling you for any factual information, maintain your composure and ask them for evidence and references to support their allegations. They’ll probably splutter into silence without having any further comments.

Don’t copy their behaviour

In their quest to offend and enrage you, a troll wins when you stoop to their level. Thus, never copy their behaviour or imitate them even if it is just for fun. Abusing them, answering them back or writing offensive things about them just adds fuel to a fire and would not prove good for you or your media handle.

Ignorance is bliss

Willpower is, at times, the only thing that matters. And ignoring can require every bit of will present in you. Trolls need interaction to function, therefore without a willing player they can’t play their nasty game. This is where the catchphrase “Don’t feed the trolls” appeared on the internet. Therefore, as long as the ‘trolling’ is not becoming a bad place for your audience, don’t fall for the bait.

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