Gwede Mantashe has been graduated online by MANCOSA

Minister of mineral and energy Gwede Mantashe has just completed his master’s business administration degree at Mancosa, and he didn’t waste any time but to tell South Africans about this good news on social media.
The Twitter world didn’t stop but congratulate the ministerr, on his achievements as he studies further towards his dream.
This is a motivation to many young politicians across the country that they must study, so that they can run successful departments within the movement.
But it only takes courage to do all this because people have been controlled by many after getting their dream jobs in government.
And this makes them forgot that they still have a future upon them, where they had to get a high position within government by getting more qualifications.
But it’s all gone bad is many leaders have fallen in love with other things and this might destroy, the organization that they are coming from.
Mantashe has also been trying to a good leader in the African National Congress where he is leading by example, and teaching young leaders about the politics of the Anc.
But there are still many challenges that Mantashe and his department, are facing and this might make him step aside from his position.
Because he is implicated in other corruption cases like the Bosasa issue which he was accused, by the former CEO of the company by benefiting from while he was the Secretary-general of the party.
This accusation came upon the condo commission that leads to state capture where the Gupta family, has been a huge influence on government decisions which made the country lose millions of money.
But this didn’t stop Mantashe to complete her studies, and becoming a motivation to many people across the country because of the age that has been on.