Gomora| Melusi has left many people talking

The drama is just getting more good every day because many people were left talking on Monday night, after Melusi has done something that he could have avoided before because he and Gladys were just doing fine but now things are getting difficult for these two people in Gomora.
But it is better because the people loved what they have seen last night and they are very happy about this because many people want to see this kind of thing happening on the television screens, we’re actors keeps on entertain viewers who are watching at home every night.
Many tv series can learn from this drama that has been introduced on the television screens last year during the hard lockdown rules in the country, where many people were forced to stay indoors with their loved ones to avoid the spreading of the Covid19 pandemic that has caused havoc in this country.
This might have worked in favor of this drama due to a high number of people who were at home, where they had a chance to watch this drama happening live at the Mzanzi with channel which has brought hope to many people who were looking to watch more local content.
The good news is that the drama will be repeated on other Multichoice channel so that people can watch the first episode of this drama this week, and this will draw more attention to many people who are desperate to see how South African actors are doing on the television screens.
The drama is producing more township content and it is very easy for many people to understand it because the majority of the people of this country are living in the townships, and it becomes very helpful for them because they are having many viewers who are watching it.