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DJ Zinhle Forgets Husband Murdah Bongz’s New Car At Airport, Fans Can’t Stop Laughing



In a rather comical turn of events, DJ Zinhle shared an amusing personal experience involving her husband Murdah Bongz’s new car and a bout of forgetfulness.

For those who may not know, Murdah Bongz, a former member of Black Motion, recently made headlines when he received a brand-new car from his loving wife. But the story doesn’t end there!

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Zinhle took to social media on Thursday to share a video that had fans in stitches. She recounted how she had completely forgotten the new car at the airport.

Yes, you heard that right—an entire car left behind! Amidst the chaos, Murdah Bongz appeared to be the epitome of calm, further highlighting the dynamic of their relationship.

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Zinhle humorously captioned the post, “Guys, what would I be without my sweet man…? I found the clip of when I remembered that I had left the car at the airport.”

The video quickly garnered reactions from fans and followers, who shared their own hilarious experiences of forgetfulness.

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One fan commented, “I once forgot mine at the mall and caught a bus home. When I got there, why was my car not parked in front of the house? Then I remembered, I had to catch a bus back to the mall.”

Another chimed in, “I recently started driving a car that starts with a fingerprint. Guys, I forget my keys in the car all the time and leave it unlocked in the parking lot.”

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And the laughs didn’t stop there. One user cheekily remarked, “Lol, it’s him reminding you to also take out the car keys from your handbag 😂😂😂.” Another added, “Bestie, are you looking for your car inside another car? 😂😂.”

If there’s one takeaway from this amusing incident, it’s that even the best of us have our forgetful moments. And sometimes, those moments make for the best stories.

So, the next time you find yourself in a similar pickle, just remember DJ Zinhle and Murdah Bongz’s great airport car fiasco—it might just bring a smile to your face!

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Full Story Source: DJ Zinhle Forgets Husband Murdah Bongz’s New Car At Airport, Fans Can’t Stop Laughing

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