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Department Of Defence Cleaner Vacancy




Department Of Defence Cleaner Vacancy

Job summary

Post: Cleaner Ref No: SG 05/22/14 (2 posts)
Centre: Area Military Health Unit Gauteng, Pretoria – dpsa vacancies

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Department Of Defence Cleaner Vacancy

Key Duties and Responsibilities: Clean the interior of buildings/Sickbay, dust and polish furniture, pick up
rubbish, empty garbage containers and take content to waste area for removal.
Vacuum and clean carpets, curtains/blinds and floors. Wash windows, wash
ablution facilities, remove dust and dirt from ceilings, walls, overhead pipes and
fixtures, sweep floors.

Key Requirements: NQF Level 1 – 4 with relevant experience. Special requirements (skills needed): Communicate effectively. Must be physically healthy.

Enquiries: Warrant Officer Class 2 A.J.H.J. Pretorius Tel No: (012) 319 3140
Applications: Department of Defence, Area Military Health Unit Gauteng, South African
Military Health Service, Private Bag X02, Gezina, 0031 or maybe hand
delivered to Area Military Health Unit Gauteng, 185 Rose Street, Gezina,

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About dpsa – strategic overview


A professional, productive and responsive public service and administration


      1. Establish norms and standards to ensure that the state machinery functions optimally and that such norms and standards are adhered to.
      1. Implement interventions to maintain a compliant and functioning Public Service.
      2. Promote an ethical public service through programmes, systems, frameworks and structures that detect, prevent and combat corruption.
      3. Contribute towards improved public administration in Africa and internationally through dialogue and sharing of best practices.

Value Statement

We Belong, We Care, We Serve


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