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5 most loyal dogs in history



Dogs are often called “man’s best friend” because of their loyalty, love, and companionship.

They are faithful to their owners and sometimes even risk their lives for them.

Throughout history, there have been many stories of dogs who have shown remarkable devotion and courage in the face of adversity.

Here are five of the most loyal dogs in history, whose stories will touch your heart and inspire you.

1. Hachiko

Hachiko was a Japanese Akita who lived in the 1920s and 1930s. He belonged to Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the University of Tokyo. Every day, Hachiko would accompany his owner to the Shibuya train station and wait for him to return from work. This routine continued for about a year, until one day, Ueno suffered a fatal cerebral hemorrhage and never came back. Hachiko, however, did not give up on his owner. He continued to go to the train station every day for the next 10 years, hoping to see Ueno again. He became a symbol of loyalty and fidelity in Japan, and was honored with a bronze statue at the station. He died in 1935, and his remains are preserved at the National Science Museum of Japan.

2. Greyfriars Bobby

Greyfriars Bobby was a Skye Terrier who lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the 19th century. He belonged to John Gray, a night watchman who worked for the Edinburgh City Police. Bobby would follow his owner everywhere, including his nightly rounds. When Gray died of tuberculosis in 1858, he was buried in the Greyfriars Kirkyard. Bobby refused to leave his owner’s grave and stayed there for 14 years, until his own death in 1872. He was fed and cared for by the locals, who admired his loyalty and affection. He was buried near his owner, and a statue of him stands outside the graveyard.

3. Balto

Balto was a Siberian Husky who lived in Alaska in the 1920s. He was the lead dog of a sled team that delivered life-saving serum to the town of Nome, which was suffering from a diphtheria epidemic. The serum had to be transported from Anchorage, which was 674 miles away. The journey was perilous, as the weather was harsh and the terrain was treacherous. Balto and his team, led by musher Gunnar Kaasen, covered the last 53 miles of the relay in the dark, through a blizzard, and arrived in Nome in record time. Balto became a hero and was celebrated across the nation. He was awarded a medal and a statue of him stands in Central Park, New York.

4. Laika

Laika was a stray puppy who was picked up from the streets of Moscow in the 1950s. She was selected to be the first animal to orbit the Earth, as part of the Soviet space program. She was trained to withstand the conditions of spaceflight and was fitted with a special harness and electrodes to monitor her vital signs. She was launched into orbit on November 3, 1957, aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft. She became the first living being to leave the Earth’s atmosphere and paved the way for human space exploration. Her loyalty to her caretakers ensured that she was strapped into the spacecraft without a fuss. Unfortunately, she did not survive the mission, as the spacecraft overheated and she died within hours. She was honored with a plaque and a monument in Moscow.

5. Fido

Fido was a mixed-breed dog who lived in Italy in the 1940s. He belonged to Carlo Soriani, a brick worker who found him injured on the road and nursed him back to health. Fido was grateful to his owner and followed him to the bus stop every morning and waited for him to return in the evening. This routine lasted for two years, until one day, Soriani was killed in a bombing raid during World War II. Fido, however, did not know that his owner was dead. He continued to go to the bus stop every day for the next 14 years, hoping to see Soriani again. He became a legend in his town and was featured in newspapers and magazines. He died in 1958, and a statue of him stands in Borgo San Lorenzo.

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