Zuma snubs ‘struggle era friend’ Gordhan’s funeral

By Celani Sikhakhane
Just days after he regaled a crowd about how Pravin Gordhan funded his travels, former president Jacob Zuma failed to attend Gordhan’s funeral.
Zuma told mourners during the funeral of six MK party members in KwaZulu-Natal at the weekend that Gordhan was his struggle era friend.
He told them a story of how Gordhan – back then a pharmacist in Durban – funded his trip to eSwatini to meet leaders of the ANC including Thabo Mbeki.
Zuma, who appointed Gordhan as finance minister, affectionately remembered him as a trustworthy comrade in whom he often confided.
But on Thursday when Gordhan was being buried in Durban, the founder of the MK party did not attend the funeral.
His absence points to the depth of the fallout between Zuma and Gordhan, after Gordhan frustrated the efforts of Zuma and the Guptas to capture the SA Reserve Bank and the National Treasury.
Meanwhile, President Cyril Ramaphosa said Gordhan and his family faced severe and persistent racist abuse from the beneficiaries and supporters of state capture.
“Many of the attacks on Gordhan were racial, aimed at one of the strongest supporters of non-racialism in our country.
“These attacks didn’t damage his reputation but instead showed how morally weak those attacking him were. His family suffered a lot, and it was painful to see,” Ramaphosa said.
Retired Chief Justice Raymond Zondo said Gordhan pushed Zuma to set up the commission of inquiry into state capture and was the first minister to give evidence.
Mcebisi Jonas, a close friend and former finance minister, revealed that Gordhan had been diagnosed with cancer and was told he only had three months to live.
Pictured above: President Cyril Ramaphosa comforting one of Pravin Gordhan’s daughters at the Durban ICC after the funeral of the former cabinet minister.
Source: Celani Sikhakhane
Full Story Source: Zuma snubs ‘struggle era friend’ Gordhan’s funeral