Zuma pulls off another masterstroke

By Zukile Majova
Political Editor
Umkhonto Wesizwe president Jacob Zuma has pulled off yet another masterstroke with the recruitment of EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu to his party.
A week ago, the MK party faced a financial and administrative nightmare, with leaders fired without explanation.
Scrolla.Africa reported that the party had such a massive cash flow problem that it had to let go some of its high-profile leaders because it couldn’t afford to pay them.
It also became a laughing stock when it recalled some 20 MPs, saying spies had infiltrated its ranks.
MK party spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela said these former members of the party’s executive had included their friends on the national list for parliament, which was not sanctioned by the party’s top leadership.
Insiders told Scrolla.Africa that the party has never been able to run its payroll despite promising that its executive members would be paid at the level of MPs.
With the party facing financial and administrative chaos, no one expected Zuma’s next move.
By recruiting Shivambu to the MK party, Zuma has pulled the carpet out from under Malema’s feet.
MK said Shivambu and Mzwanele Jimmy Manyi, who also defected to the party, would join the MK delegation to parliament.
“The onboarding of both these progressive and politically experienced comrades will further strengthen the agenda of the Progressive Caucus,” the MK party said.
Surprisingly, Malema was the first to admit that he was expecting a legion of EFF members and supporters to leave the party following Shivambu’s departure.
After 11 years of existence, Malema said his deputy’s departure could make or break the party.
“This is a testing moment. The organisation that has lived beyond 10 years has never been through this testing moment.
“The EFF will have to pass this test, or it will have to die,” said a visibly hurting Malema.
Malema’s immediate task was to ensure that Shivambu did not lead a big breakaway of the party’s membership.
He called on provincial, regional, and branch leaders to fight to reduce the potential exodus of members that could cause the party to collapse.
By the end of the day on Thursday, several EFF supporters were posting on social media that they would follow Shivambu.
Pictured above: Jacob Zuma loves chess and has just pulled a checkmate on Julius Malema.
Source: X
Full Story Source: Zuma pulls off another masterstroke