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Zuma and ANC back in court over MK trademark



By Zukile Majova
Political Editor

The latest round in running battles between the ANC and its expelled former president Jacob Zuma is set to erupt in the Durban High Court.

This time the ANC is appealing the court’s April ruling which dismissed the ANC’s application on the MK party logo and the name Umkhonto Wesizwe.

That application however was based on the argument that voters could easily confuse Zuma’s MK with the ANC’s liberation army.

It argued that its supporters could vote for Zuma’s MK, thinking it was affiliated to the ANC.

The court dismissed this argument on the basis of urgency, jurisdiction and local standing.

ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula said the party would make different arguments – among them, that the MK party was benefiting from the goodwill associated with the ANC armed wing.

“The ANC will be appealing the matter and prohibiting the unlawful use of the ANC’s trademark and symbols and heritage by Zuma’s party.

“Trademark is about legacy, which we will challenge in the highest court in the land. We are not comparing logos, we are challenging the trademark,” said Mbalula, adding that the judge has granted them leave to appeal and they will appeal.

This week, ANC veteran Mavuso Msimang accused the current party leadership of being negligent in allowing Zuma even to register the MK party with the IEC.

“So many things went wrong. In the first instance – and I think, for me this is the most difficult and unforgivable excuse – is to allow the name of Umkhonto Wesizwe to be registered means there has been serious negligence on the part of the ANC,” Msimang told the SABC.

Pictured above: MK party leader Jacob Zuma at the Durban High Court.

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Full Story Source: Zuma and ANC back in court over MK trademark

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