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Load shedding has become an all-too-familiar experience for all South Africans as the electricity supply is temporarily interrupted.
Load shedding widget courtesy The Outlier.
Load shedding schedules can be found via the following links below:
During load shedding, when the electricity supply is temporarily interrupted, here are some helpful tips to minimise inconvenience:
Keep your cellphone fully charged when power is available, so you can stay connected during outages.
Ensure your vehicle always has fuel, as petrol stations cannot pump fuel during power outages.
Have enough cash on hand, as ATMs cannot operate without electricity.
Access, Security, and Safety:
Release automatic electric garage door mechanisms to ensure access to your property during a power outage.
Switch electric security gates to manual operation to avoid being locked out or in your home.
Keep battery-powered torches and candles readily available for temporary lighting.
Place a torch with fresh batteries by your bedside at all times.
Consider getting a small LP gas lamp for good quality lighting in a larger area.
Keeping things cool and heating them up:
Boil water and keep it in thermos flasks for hot drinks during scheduled power outages.
Use insulating covers on teapots and pots to keep drinks hot and meals warm.
Prepare meals beforehand in case of power cuts.
Have a small, stand-by bottled LP gas heating ring for essential cooking and boiling water.
Maintain adequate stocks of essential foodstuffs.
Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed to preserve the cold. A four-hour power outage should not cause food spoilage, and a freezer can keep food frozen for at least a day. Consider having non-perishable snacks available as well.
Most medication requiring refrigeration can be kept in a closed fridge for several hours without spoiling, but it’s best to check with your doctor or pharmacist for specific instructions.
Fill plastic containers with water, leaving some space for expansion during freezing, and place them in a deep freeze or the freezer compartment of your fridge. This frozen bottled water will help keep food cold during a power outage.
By following these tips, you can better prepare for and navigate through load shedding periods with minimal inconvenience.
