Renowned actor SK Khoza has lost his credibility and his star status has been making all the wrong moves lately. The actor has been having a very rough season. He was first arrested for assaulting his then-fiance, Mandy Hlongwane.
This led to the couple breaking up. Soon after, he was fired from The Queen where he played a major role as Shaka Khoza. This week, a video appeared of the star having a meltdown on social media apparently high on something. His baby mama, Gogo Maweni has been fingered against his current bad luck
Now it has appeared that the person behind all of SK Khoza’s troubles is his baby mama, sangoma Dr Gogo Maweni.
The popular traditional healer is on record declaring that she will make life hell for SK Khoza because he abandoned his child and support.
Gogo Maweni
The 33-year-old Izangoma Zodumo star has also been caught on record confirming that she knows how to practice witchcraft.
This Is Gogo Maweni (From that show of Sangomas on showmax) & These Two Men Are Gogo Maweni’s baby daddies. Not so Long Ago Gogo Maweni Said that IF HER BABIES DONT EAT, NO ONE WILL EAT! Siyabonga Zulu got Fired and SK Khoza Got Fired from the Queen.
— Man’s NOT Barry Roux (@AdvoBarryRoux) April 5, 2022
Meanwhile, SK Khoza has cleared the air on the incident.
“It was [a] moment where I was treated in a bad way and I lost my s**t. No one was hurt, just somebody was sworn at.”
He responded to people who suggested he was under the influence of drugs when the video was taken.
“People like to say nonsense. I don’t do drugs, my family know that. I’ve taken drug tests in front of my family members. It’s literally one of those moments where I was rubbed the wrong way and I reacted, that’s that,” he said, adding that he does not mind how people interpret the video.
Shortly after the video trended, SK took to Instagram stories to share a cryptic post reading: “Maybe some of us were meant to live and be great in another lifetime and this one is not for us. #RAMADAN MUBARAK.”
Many of his fans were worried by the message, but SK said there was no cause for concern.
“I purposefully did that, because I wanted to show people that they are quick to jump to conclusions. When I said that maybe some of us are meant to be great in the next lifetime, it’s maybe that. It means maybe, if things are not great in this lifetime, maybe they will be great in the next.”