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Watch as Joey Nyikadzino exposes Madam Boss’ marital problems and Mhofela’s mistresses



Amid all the drama in Madam Boss’ life, her friends have also found themselves being called out in the middle of the mess. Her former friend Mai Titi has been trending, saying her side in all the drama, and fans loved the theatre. On the other hand, socialites like Olinda Chapel Nkomo have stood by their fellow woman and tried to make her rough times sail better. One of her friends Joey Nyikadzino exposes Mhofela and Madam Boss’ marital problems.

Joey Nyikadzino shares a tell-all on Madam Boss’ marital problems.

Businesswoman/socialite Joey Nyikadzino was known to be one of Madam Boss’ best friends, and the two were very close. After the news broke out that Mhofela had cheated and impregnated his mistress, Joey was roped into the mess, and she ended up sharing what she knew on the matter. Nyikadzino was trashed all over social media by people and called a fake friend for talking about her friend’s private business to the public.

Joey Nyikadzino and Madam Boss
Joey Nyikadzino and Madam Boss-Image Source(Facebook)

After all the hate she was getting on social media, she took matters into her own hands and had her own live on Facebook addressing her fight with Madam Boss. According to Nyikadzino, their issues started a few months back when she made peace with Mai Titi after the Tinashe Maphosa drama. In her own words, she says that Madam Boss assumed she had told Mai Titi their secrets and asked Patricia Jack and Evidence Chihara to leak her issues with Mhofu, claiming it was Joey.

Watch the video of Joey Nyikadzino as she exposes Mhofela’s mistresses below:

The two social media celebrities did as they were told and attacked Joey getting her to trend on social media as people attacked her. So Joey started to narrate how this pregnant woman was not Mhofela’s first extramarital affair. In her own words, she says that they once went to someplace hoping to fight one of Mhofela’s mistresses, and were almost beaten. The two ex-friends had vowed to keep that experience between them as it was embarrassing, and according to Joey, the only way Evidence and Patricia would have known is if Madam Boss told them and lied it was her.

Fans react To Joey’s Facebook live

After Joey Nyikadzino had her tell it all, it was met with mixed reactions by the public. Many people sympathise with Madam Boss, who is still facing drama with her husband’s mistress. Others claimed that Joey might be telling the truth as they felt Madam Boss may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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