Minnie Dlamini has taken to her social media to urge her fans to send her prayers. The star did not say much but made it clear that her enemies are after her. Many South African celebs are facing a lot and some have taken to their social media to open up on their struggles with depression and what they have been through.
Riky Rick’s death brought out so many confessions and had many reveal some of their hidden tears.
Minnie on the other hand did not say much but shared she needs her fans to send her prayers as her enemies are after her.
She took off the comment section but no one is sure of the reason why she did that.
She said: “Send prayers my enemies are after me 🙏🏾”
In Other News – I’m always H0RNY, I hate the 40s – Ntsiki Mazwai
Ntsiki Mazwai has never been one to shy away from controversial topics. This time, she has revealed something a little more personal than we are all used to – that she is horny all the time.
The controversial poet recently took to Twitter to open up about her libido, which she feels is getting higher and higher with time. She wrote that she is always h0rny, and that it is…Learn more