Traffic cop faces charges after fight with police

@scrollaafrica A Gauteng traffic officer is facing charges after a heated argument with officers from the Ekurhuleni police. #Police #Charge #Argument ♬ original sound Scrolla.Africa
By Everson Luhanga
A Gauteng traffic officer is facing charges after a heated argument with officers from the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD).
He is accused of intimidation, assault, and interfering with police work.
In a 10-minute video, the traffic officer is seen swearing and making rude gestures at a female EMPD officer, calling her illiterate and a clown.
He also threatened to take the EMPD officers’ pension funds – something he is not authorised to do.
The trouble started when EMPD officers stopped a female driver with a foreign number plate.
The driver, who is allegedly friends with the Gauteng traffic officer, called him for help, and he began insulting the EMPD officers.
Sizakele Masuku, Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Safety, said: “No officer is above the law, and such behaviour is unacceptable.”
She said the officer has been in trouble before.
He has two previous assault cases under investigation and is accused of beating people on the streets.
Pictured above: Sizakele Masuku, Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Safety.
Source: Thabiso Makgato/EMPD
Full Story Source: Traffic cop faces charges after fight with police