Ntokozo Dlamini is a celebrated South African actor best known for his on-screen character on Uzalo as Mastermind. He has been winning big of late, and his much-awaited return on Uzalo has got Mzansi talking. Tk Dlamini recently celebrated his birthday, and his actual age leaves many shocked as he looks younger than his age.
Taking to Instagram, the actor shared his picture and then appreciated people who have taken the time to celebrate him through various channels. Tk Dlamini has turned 32 years and is grateful to God for bringing him this far.
Thanks for all the calls, messages & tags 🥳
As I grow a year older today, I pray God continues to guide, protect and bless my family and i even MORE…🥂
What is TK Dlamini’s age?
The celebrated actor was born on 8 January 1991 in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. He was born into a family that strongly believed education was the key to success. Had his primary education at Emsworth School based in Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal and his secondary education at St Nicholas Diocesan School.
He passed his matric with flying colours and enrolled for tertiary education at Varsity College in Westville, Durban, where he studied International Marketing Management. After graduation, the actor discovered his calling in acting and followed his passion abandoning his academic qualification.
In 2015 he was thrust into the limelight when he won an acting gig on the hit soapie Uzalo where he played Mastermind, a car hijacking expect who would do anything to make a living. He nailed his character to perfection on Uzalo and became Mzansi’s instant favourite actor. However, he later exited the show as he pursued other opportunities in the entertainment industry. As of late, he is playing Bafana on Diep City and many love to hate the character he is portraying.
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Source Link TK Dlamini celebrates birthday; his actual age leaves South Africa surprised