Supermarket treats customers on Heritage Day

By Buziwe Nocuze
Goal Supermarket in Philippi East, Cape Town, gave customers a special Heritage Day celebration filled with music, dancing, food, and laughter – helping them take their minds off crime and other worries.
Willie Stegmann from Goal said: “We have been doing this for the past five years, and we will continue because we want our customers to know that we appreciate them. We are grateful for the support they have been showing us.”
Stegmann added: “We had prizes, including R5,000 for the best artist. We are growing every year, and our wish is for everyone to enjoy the day and forget about anything that is stressing them.”
The supermarket provided braaied meat, pap, drinks, and traditional beer.
Goal customer Noluvuyo Xulu expressed her gratitude, saying: “When the supermarket started the event five years ago, people never thought it would continue. We are happy that they will keep doing it because most of us didn’t have Heritage Day events to attend before they came in.”
Xulu added: “Goal is one of the supermarkets with low prices, but most people still can’t afford to buy because they are not working – but today, we forgot about prices.”
Pictured above: Goal Supermarket in Philippi East, Cape Town, organised a Heritage Day event for their customers with braaied meat and traditional beer.
Source: Buziwe Nocuze.
Full Story Source: Supermarket treats customers on Heritage Day