Following a series of shocking videos showing Kings of Joburg actor Sthembiso ‘SK ’Khoza, having a breakdown and fighting with a white man. His ex-fiancée Mandy Hlongwane, has taken to her Instagram account to share cryptic quotes that have left grabbing the popcorn.
Since their breakup, Mandy has not publicly spoken about what caused their split, which according to rumor ended with Khoza allegedly assaulting her. She shared a series of Instagram stories in which she appears to be ready for life to school Khoza.
The cryptic quotes have left many wondering whether Hlongwane is throwing shade at Khoza or not. “Toxic people will not be changed by the alchemy of your kindness. Yes, be kind, but move on swiftly and let life be educator,” she shared.
She shared another cryptic quote which reads “Don’t let anybody make you fee; crazy because you figured them out.”
She ended “Growth is all about improving not about proving.”
Hlongwane and Khoza called it quits a couple of months ago. It appears their relationship was all roses at the beginning, but it ended in tears. This follows after Khoza was arrested for allegedly leaving her with bruises
According to Sunday World Hongwane laid charges against Khoza, after injuring her by beating, kicking and dragging her. The actor was allegedly arrested on October 13 and appeared at the Randburg magistrate court where he received a bail of R2000. Mandy charged him with assault with ‘intent to cause grievous bodily harm.’
Khoza’s life was turned upside down following the allegations and he even had to take a break from the limelight. This comes after he was reportedly fired from The Queen. Ferguson Films announced his departure from the show on social media and wished him all the best on his future endeavors.
“We would like to wish Sthembiso Sk Khoza all the best for the future as he exits #TheQueenMzansi. You have been a hardworking individual from the day you walked onto our set. We have no doubt that you will carry on winning and working harder! Until next time!”
A couple of months prior to this drama. Khoza poured out his heart on social media over abusing Hlongwane emotionally, “Keeping things that break your spirit and hurt you inside is not always a good thing. I have come to realize that I have done so and I ended up not realizing that I was taking it out on my fiancé @Ayearndar whenever I do talk about what is affecting me I would not address it in a calm manner, and in turn, I didn’t see that I was hurting her and in a way, I was being emotionally abusive towards her.
“She has made me understand that just because I don’t physically abuse her, I was doing so with my words and I want to speak out and say I am sorry I didn’t address my problems and allowed them to overpower me. Emotional abuse is really not good, especially because it breaks the other person in a serious way. I am now working on myself and I am committed to opening up, communicating more, and talking about the things that affect me. I am working on being a better person and partner,” wrote SK.