Scandal on 27 September 2022

Layla and Cohen conspired to trap Me’shell into spitting out the truth in the previous episode. After continuous digging, Layla made Me’shell admit she made false allegations. Cohen called her over the station and played the private recording, and she was shaken. Me’shell is busted, and Cee-jay is finally free.
In tonight’s episode, Cee-jay will be released from prison and set free in his flat. When Cohen explains everything, Cee-jay will be happy and will hug the policeman. Cohen is still uncomfortable with Cee-jay due to what happened between him and Layla, but he will remain professional. Dintle will be highly proud of Layla for doing the right thing. Ever since the drama started, she didn’t believe Cee-jay would be capable of doing such a thing.

Javas has been dodging bullets in the previous episodes. He even returned a stolen docket when there was an internal investigation at the station. One of his colleagues has been very suspicious of him and what he is up to. In tonight’s episode, the colleague will follow him in a dingy alley. He can’t injure or kill her because he has strong morals, and at the same time, he will acknowledge she is a threat to him. She will listen in on the conversation and catch him committing a crime red-handed. Javas will be shaken and clueless over what to do next.

After her conversation with Vuvu, Mbali is infuriated with Winile’s behaviour. Vuvu had no filter; she named and shamed everything Winile was doing wrong and inappropriately. Mbali admitted to Vuvu that her sister might be after Jojo as a love interest. Tonight, Mbali will chase Winile out of the Kubeka household in a rage.
Winile will argue that she is doing nothing wrong and that her sister exaggerates. Eventually, she will express that Nkazimulo is her child and has no intentions of going anywhere. Mbali will not be surprised by her sister as she knows what she is up to. Mbali being herself, however, will not take things lying down,

Source Link Scandal on 27 September 2022