Resumption of Cape Town central line service delayed by power cuts & vandalism, says Prasa

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) is again making promises about the resumption of services at its Cape Town’s central line.
Prasa’s Western Cape regional manager Raymond Maseko on Wednesday invited the publication on a train ride to Kalk Bay.
He said he wanted to connect with commuters to hear their concerns.
Maseko said delays with the rail service started with the onset of load shedding and vandalism.
But he said the matter would be addressed and resolved before the end of the year.
Maseko admitted that while the parastatal faced several challenges, he said some of the issues – such as housing – are the responsibility of the national government.
He added that Prasa is committed to getting the central line, which connects townships such as Langa and Khayelitsha to the Cape Town CBD, fully functional by March next year.
Maseko said the issue of solving load shedding and how it affected train services will be addressed in partnership with the City of Cape Town.
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Source Link Resumption of Cape Town central line service delayed by power cuts & vandalism, says Prasa