Residents fear taxi war after gunmen kill two drivers

By Buziwe Nocuze
Gunmen killed two taxi drivers in Nyanga on Tuesday night, and residents are worried it might start a war between rival taxi associations.
The victims, aged 31 and 43, were killed at around 8pm.
A passenger who wanted to remain anonymous said: “We are praying a prayer without an amen because sometimes the fighting in the taxi industry starts like this.
“We don’t want to lose innocent people because that always happens when the taxi industry fights.
“We are using the taxis because we don’t have any other choice. Sadly, we can get killed for something we don’t know anything about.”
Nyanga resident Neliswa Thipha said taxi owners must resolve their conflicts quickly and peacefully.
“We recently read good news about a taxi association donating money to teens who will be flying to Botswana to participate in a pageant. That’s the news we want to hear,” Thipa said.
“We don’t want to read about them killing each other because it always ends badly for the innocent passengers who are caught in the crossfire.”
Western Cape SAPS spokesperson Captain Frederick Van Wyk confirmed two murder cases have been opened.
“Members who attended the crime scene found the bodies of two males lying on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds to their bodies. The suspects fled the scene and are yet to be arrested,” he said.
Pictured above: Taxis.
Source: File
Full Story Source: Residents fear taxi war after gunmen kill two drivers