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Pravin Gordhan announces restructuring of Eskom board



Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan on Tuesday announced that the Eskom board would be reconstituted and restructured.

The minister met members of the board, whose terms expired last year, and whose positions were extended subject to a review.

Gordhan informed the board, chaired by professor Malegapuru Makgoba, a review had been finalized and members would be informed of the outcome of the process.

In a statement, the department of public enterprises indicated that government would deliberate on the reconstitution of a new and restructured Eskom board and an announcement would be made in due course.

The restructuring of the Eskom board came as political parties in Parliament called for the board and the CEO’s removal following the latest bout of load shedding.

Gordhan said he was in constant communication with the board on various matters pertaining to the “current generation challenges” and other energy-related matters such as procurement, recruitment of former and experienced Eskom employees as well as combating fraud and corruption.

The Public Enterprises Department said Gordhan thanked the current board for their service during the most challenging period for the entity.


In other news – No baby number 2 for Faith Nketsi any time soon

South African reality TV star Faith Nketsi has opened up about her birthing experience and the trauma it left her with.

Faith Nketsi

The reality star recently took to Twitter to share her experience with fans, saying she was in labour for 26 hours before she held her baby in her arms which made her think twice about baby number two. “26 hours in labour is enough to make me never ever want to go through that again. Maybe I’ll change my mind one day, who knows. Learn More 

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