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Police make a public update on AKA’s murder investigation



The CCTV footage is assisting them a lot: Police make a public update on AKA’s murder investigation

The investigation into the murder of Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, the slain rapper, and his friend Tibz, who were shot dead outside the popular Durban restaurant Wish, has been updated. This update shows progress has been made since the previous update; however, no arrests have been made.

Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi, the KwaZuluNatal Police Commissioner, recently informed the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) that using CCTV footage plays a major role in the ongoing investigation.

“We want to encourage communities to come on board and share information. The investigation of Mr Forbes who was murdered last month; majority of the work we did thus far it is because of the help from the community. The different cameras in that vicinity are not installed by the state, but it is those cameras that are helping us to analyse and identify some of those people who might have been involved and it helps us to make linkages,” he told the national broadcaster.

The Legacy was dissatisfied with the update on March 7, as the police had already stated the same thing the month prior. They indicated that they had obtained multiple cell phones from their suspects.

AKA: Image source @Instagram

Police make a public update on AKA’s murder investigation

One fan wrote, “Thank you for this update; we understand that you can’t report everything to us; however, please respect us, U and Lt General Mkhwanazi have been reporting about the same thing 4-3 weeks now. Please give us something different, don’t provoke us.”

The lack of arrests in the case of the Forbes family has been a source of anger for the Megacy and has prompted much public speculation.

Rumours have circulated that Don Design, AKA‘s friend, is involved. Still, the Forbes family lawyer Rudolph Baloyi has urged Newzroom Afrika not to engage in such speculation, as it can be dangerous.

“At the end of the day everybody is looking for answers, we would all like to know what actually lead to this. We would also like to know who are the people behind this. It makes it difficult but also at the end of the day everybody is looking for answers. Some of Kiernan’s close friends have now received a lot of blame, there are many people that are analysing the videos. I have seen a lot of comments about Don Design who is Kiernan’s DJ who he travelled with almost everywhere,” said The Forbes lawyer Rudolph Baloyi.

“I spoke to him last night and also yesterday as he was also at the house, you know people are blaming him for this thing but then we all know that Don Design is not that type of a person. He is almost like a child to the Forbes’ that’s why he is also welcomed at the house. Nobody is pointing any fingers at him apart from the people on social media,” added their lawyer.

Source Link Police make a public update on AKA’s murder investigation

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