Poison in their porridge blamed for killing toddlers

By Anita Dangazele
Two moms from Mdantsane in the Eastern Cape are shocked after their kids, aged between one and four years old, died after eating instant porridge on Friday.
Nande Ndudane and Khanyisile Bambela said their children died after eating Top Score instant vanilla maize porridge from a local Spar.
The police asked to see the porridge and saw small black particles inside, making them believe the kids were poisoned.
Ndudane said she noticed something wrong with one child minutes after the meal.
Seventeen-month-old Live Ndudane was foaming at the mouth and complained of a stomach ache.
“As we were paying attention to that, another child came inside and collapsed,” Ndudane said.
“We carried them to the main road to get a car. Before we got there, there was foam in her mouth and nose,” she said.
Four-year-old Lithemba Bambela was declared dead on arrival at the Nontyantyambo Health Centre.
“They took the other two children into the centre and told us they were waiting for an ambulance,” she said. But the children died before it could take them to hospital.
Police spokesperson Colonel Siphokazi Mawisa said a postmortem would be conducted and an investigation was underway.
The children who died are Live Ndudane, 17 months, Iminathi Bambela, 18 months, and Lithemba Bambela, 4.
Spar recalled all Top Score instant maize porridge flavours on Sunday.
Eastern Cape Spar managing director Siyolo Dick said they’d stopped distribution while investigating.
“We have also taken the precautionary measure of removing the product from our shelves while the necessary food safety measures are being conducted, which include comprehensive laboratory testing,” Dick said.
Buffalo City Metro has been raiding spaza shops weekly to enforce food safety laws.
Mayor Princess Faku said it was difficult to understand the poisoning incidents because the porridge was bought from a trusted supermarket.
“We are here to support the family and these young mothers. We want to convey our heartfelt condolences,” she said.
In Gauteng, 207 food poisoning cases affecting kids have been reported since early February, with 10 deaths.
Pictured above: Nande Ndudane and Khanyisile Bambela, the mothers of the children who died.
Source: Supplied
Full Story Source: Poison in their porridge blamed for killing toddlers