“Please don’t blame yourself, I can’t take the pain!” Were these Riky Rick’s final words to wife?

By: Natasha Archary
“Dear Bianca, this pain is too much. I don’t want you to blame yourself for my life being unbearable.”
These are allegedly Riky Rick’s final words, penned to his wife before he died on Wednesday, 23 February.
News of the suicide note was reported by Sunday World where it’s claimed the South African rapper wrote two suicide notes. One to his wife Bianca Naidoo and the other to his children, daughter Jordan and son Maik.
According to the publication the notes were leaked by someone in Riky’s inner circle. The source also shared with Sunday World, more details about the Boss Zonke hitmaker’s death, indicating that Riky died from hanging himself.
It is alleged that Riky Rick was found hanging by a rope in his music studio which is close to his home in Waterfall Estate.
When his wife returned home and didn’t find him, she called his management team to check the music studio.
There they found Riky hanging from the ceiling of the studio. Although he showed no signs of life, he was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead.
Riky Rick who previously spoke out about his struggles with depression, asked his family not to blame themselves for his life being unbearable.
“The pain I feel is too much to deal with. The voices in my head have never gone away. I wish I was stronger but I am not. Please forgive me. I love you so much. Be happy. Smile. Everything is okay now.”
These were apparently the last words Riky Rick penned to his wife Bianca
Sunday World also shared Rikhado Makhado’s final words found in the alleged note to his children.
“Follow your passions, my son. Your world is bigger than anything you could ever imagine. I love you.”
“Jordan, the best thing that ever happened in my life. You taught me so much about myself.”
Riky Rick will be laid to rest on Tuesday, 01 March and a tribute celebration is planned for Friday, 04 March. Both services will be livestreamed with details of the stream to be confirmed on the day.
The post “Please don’t blame yourself, I can’t take the pain!” Were these Riky Rick’s final words to wife? appeared first on Taxi Times.
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