Numsa and ANC Youth League clash over KZN worker issues

By Sihle Mavuso
The problems faced by workers at the Hesto plant in Stanger, KwaZulu-Natal, have caused a disagreement between the ANC Youth League and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa).
The league accused Numsa of being silent while workers at Hesto, which supplies electrical equipment to Toyota, endured unfair treatment.
Due to low demand from Toyota, Hesto has reduced working hours for its employees.
The workers were asked to apply for short-time benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund, but since applying in March, they still haven’t received any payments.
The league from the General Gizenga Mpanza region (Ilembe district) criticised Numsa, saying: “What is even more alarming is the shameful silence of Numsa, which has failed to stand up for these workers who are being exploited, scammed, and threatened into silence.”
Numsa angrily accused the league of trying to hijack the very serious issue of short time at the company.
The union said: “The ANC Youth League in the General Gizenga Mpanza Region is attempting in its desperation to appear relevant.
“[The] ANCYL makes the false claim that Numsa is ‘silent’ and by implication has done nothing to intervene in the plight of workers at the company.”
Numsa said the situation became worse when the plant closed between March and April.
It said they had engaged both Hesto’s management and the Department of Employment and Labour to help the workers obtain financial support.
Pictured above: The Hesto plant in Stanger is facing challenges.
Source: Facebook.
Full Story Source: Numsa and ANC Youth League clash over KZN worker issues