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No arrests made after man killed in mob attack as Bheki Cele returns to Diepsloot



Police Minister Bheki Cele says law enforcement will address the issues plaguing Diepsloot as protests take place in the township.

This is after one person was killed on Wednesday night, allegedly by a mob, just hours after Cele, National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola and Gauteng Premier David Makhura visited Diepsloot earlier in the day.

The deceased man, identified as a Zimbabwean national, was attacked by a mob and burnt alive as community members of Diepsloot protested against crime in the area.

According to the police, the mob went door to door around 9pm and demanded passports from foreign nationals which then led to the victim, Elvis Nyathi, being attacked when he tried to flee.

No arrests

Speaking to the media during his visit to the crime scene on Thursday, Masemola said there about 120 police officers deployed to Diepsloot and that no arrests have been made in connection to Nyathi’s murder.

Meanwhile, Cele said the killing was “unfortunate” and that the incident would be investigated.

“We have senior detectives here who have put together a top team to pursue the matter, but not only this… also other cases that have taken place here at Diepsloot so we are able to reduce criminality, especially the murders. If we don’t arrest these people crime will continue,” he said.

The minister also dismissed claims that the police presence in the area was not effective.

“Sixty-three [police officers] were on the ground last night, but unfortunately they were on the late side. I hear some people saying there were no police, but 24 [illegal immigrants] were arrested here. Now, I don’t know who arrested them if there were no police,” he continued.

On Wednesday, Cele said that 30 members of the Tactical Response Team (TRT) and Public Order Policing (POP) unit would be deployed to Diepsloot.

The minister also indicated that 16 police vehicles would be delivered to the Dieplsoot police station to patrol in the area.

“We did not make promises, we made commitments and we are honouring those commitments. I’m sure the station commander can take you to the station now to show those new cars… they are there,” Cele said on Thursday.

Cele is expected to return to Diepsloot on Friday.

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Source Link No arrests made after man killed in mob attack as Bheki Cele returns to Diepsloot

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