Nkomazi Local Municipality Leanerships (45)

Nkomazi Local Municipality Leanerships (45)
Nkomazi Local Municipality in partnership with Local Government Sector Education Training and Authority (LGSETA) invites applications for learnership from learners or students who intend to be in a learnerships.
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Nkomazi Local Municipality Leanerships (45)
The learnership programme is to address challenges in the provision of disaster within our area of jurisdiction to which may be extended or terminated for the period of One (1) year.
20 × National Certificate: Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Operations, SAQA ID: 58957
Grade 12 (Matric) with Communication and Mathematics literacy
Certified copy of applicant’s identity document
25x National certificate
Water and Wastewater Process Control, SAQA ID: 60190
Grade 12(Matric) with Communication,
Mathematics literacy
Certified copy of applicant’s identity document
Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged communities and unemployed youth
Technical Enquiries can be directed to the following Trainining & Skills Development Personnel:
Manager: Mr AR Rana to, Senior Skills Development Facilitator: Ms Nomthandazo
Mkonto to
Personnel Officials
CLOSING DATE: Friday, 14 October 2022
9 Park Street – Malalane
Private Bag X101
Tel: (013) 790 0245
Fax: (013) 790 0886
Customer Care No. (013) 790 0990
The information must be forwarded to:
Director Corporate Services
Private Bag X101
Tel no. 013-790-0245
Physical Deposition could made to the following satellite offices: ( Malelane, Civic Centre KaMaqhekeza, Kamhlushwa Public Work, Mbuzini Library, Schoemansdal Community Hall, Komatipoort Offices )
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