Next on Skeem Saam: Thursday 3 March 2022

Coming up next on Skeem Saam Thursday 3 March 2022
It almost gets physical between the Maputla heirs as the drama escalates about Mekies appeal.
Things are reaching a serious climax in this story, and it’s only the beginning we are in for a whole lot more.
Let’s go through last night’s drama
Alfios is running the show and it is a messy one. Alfred has lied once again. Things are getting out of control.
He is embarrassed when Carol exposes him for buying cheap lunch so soon after payday in front of his colleagues.
That’s how bad it has gone for him. He had to lie to keep up appearances. What’s new?
Eunice is found gossiping with Celia during working hours. Celia warns Eunice not to feel at home in the hospital. This nearly gets Eunice in big trouble. Eunice must-watch whose advice she takes. She must try and stay away from the likes of Celia Magongwa, it will save her life. Look at Alfios.

Alfios is all about securing that bag.
Speaking of Alfios he might be taking on more than what he can handle. He accepted another delivery contract 9n top 9f the Capsys one. This doesn’t sit well with his employees Kat and Candice.
Alfios wants to be rich. He has tasted it and he likes it.
MaNtuli and Meiki faced off with each other. I don’t need to say more about this right? Drama.
Let’s catch up on what’s next on Thursday’s episode
A fight breaks out between John Maputlas two heirs. Zamokuhle has been acting up ever since the news of Meikie appeal stars making the rounds. He is against her coming back home and he cannot hide it. Leeto doesn’t approve of Zamokuhle’s new status as a Maputla and the fact that Zamo hates his mother. These two will kill each other. They don’t agree on anything.
Nimza saves the day for his parents, in a big way.
This is definitely about money. Nimza offered to pay for some of Celia and Alfred’s debts. I wonder what else he dies to save them this time. We are just going to have to wait and see.
Oh no, Eunice is breaking the rules again at the hospital. What exactly is Eunice trying to do here? The girl will invite Mr Kgomo’s other side to come out and we all know what that side looks like. If not just ask MaNtuli.
Another day of Turfloop drama we are served.
Catch Skeem Saam every weeknight on SABC1 18h30.
Source Link Next on Skeem Saam: Thursday 3 March 2022