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Next on Skeem Saam: Friday 11 March 2022



Next on Skeem Saam: Friday 11 March 2022

Lehasa cannot believe whose names appear on the list of State witnesses, and Melita gears up for her meeting with Meikie on Monday. The drama is galore on this last episode of the week.

Let’s go through some of yesterday’s highlights.

Mrs Maputla is all Turfloop is talking about.

You know you are a boss when the mere mention of your name puts a whole town to a screeching halt.
The Seakamelas blew a gasket after finding out about Mikie’s possible early return.

Mapitsi is making her support felt for her mother in law and John feels it the most. These two get into a serious screaming match almost everyday and Mapitsi is bordering on being disrespectful.

John’s visit to Meikie in prison is as awkward as anything.He is still trying to convince Meikie to stop trying to come back home. Melita’s fear if Meikies fear if Meikie is confirmed by Kat and MaNtuli.

Melita almost had a heart attack when she received a phone call from Meikie prompting her to get advice from MaNtuli, but MaNtuli turned the tables on her and gave her a stern warning about Meikie.

Eunice continues to stress about her finances.
Eunice continues to stress about her finances. Image: Twitter/SABC1

Khwezi is a snake in the grass.

Khwezi has found Chef Kgosi. The last time we saw Kgosi was two months ago. He disappeared after Pieterson turned him against Lehasa. No one knows where he has been, and Khwezi miraculously finds him. How? Lehasa needs to watch out for this one, there is something untrustworthy about her. Her own uncle doesn’t want anything to do with her. My question is, why does Lehasa still want her as his wife?

Eunice wants to slay

Eunices money struggles are not showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon. She is now growing seriously impatient and doesn’t want to be broke anymore. She wants to wear expensive clothes.

That’s basically it for the previous episode

Let’s see what is coming up in the next episode.

Meikie and Melita’s meeting has been confirmed and Monday is the day. Things will definitely be different after that meeting and Melita knows it very well. She is afraid that Meikie could have found out about the affair with John.

Lehasa is in for a serious surprise. The State witness list is out and has Lehasa seriously agitated. We know Bontle is one of the witnesses but who else? Chef Kgosi? That would definitely give Lehasa sleepless nights. Kgosi knows most of Lehasa’s secrets in connection to Fanies murder.

Mkay offers to help Eunice with Fanies Crypto file but she turns him down. Eunice’s struggles with finances are growing by the day, and Mkay understands that there could be money left in Fanies file, so why does she deny his help?

Catch Skeem Saam for more drama at 18h30 on SABC1.

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