Actress Nambitha Ben-Mazwi recently shared a reel reflecting on her career choices and the strides she has made in the entertainment industry. After seven years in the corporate world, she left to pursue her dream of being a storyteller full-time.
Nambitha’s International Success
Nambitha has starred in international productions such as Black Mirror, Madiba, and Beyoncé’s Black Is King. She has also found success on Netflix, starring in shows like Savage Beauty and Happiness Ever After.
Nambitha’s Bold Leap of Faith
In a post on social media, Nambitha wrote about her decision to leave the corporate world behind and pursue her calling as a storyteller. She said that she knew God had a different purpose for her and that she was meant to showcase truth in ourselves.
Nambitha’s Awards and Recognition
Nambitha recently won a VN Global Award for Actress of The Year. She thanked her fans, family, and agency for their support and votes. Nambitha also mentioned that she supports the VN Global Awards because it is being pioneered by a woman.
Nambitha has also been honored with the International Panache Women of Wonder award for her work in women empowerment. She said that being recognized globally as a woman of excellence was confirmation of her calling and purpose.
Source Link Nambitha Ben-Mazwi Reflects on Her Career Choices